Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where does art have a place in this world?

I've always been an artist at heard, I look at the world as a big painting, Every since I was young, I draw and I draw till I couldn't anymore but still want to. But they're...under developed? I like Jazz and all kinds of sounds and Music, I love the arts and cooking everything that has something to do with art. But I fail in academics, I'm not balanced. So right now, I'm in a crappy school where there's no arts or anything I like. I guess I deserve it for not trying my best, but I'm trying to make the best out of it cause I only have 2 years to be the best I can for college. So I'm taking remedial cles, and tutor for academics and will this help me with college? And I have no idea how to develop my art talents in such a short time. Cause everyone says "time and practice" but I have very limited time. And with this talent, I have no idea what to do with it in the future. I mean getting a job as an animator/cartoonist will be hard cause it's not on high demand!

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