Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A dog in a car and later, tulips; what does it mean?

I was walking up hill in a town. It was fall. At the top of the hill was a friend and her mother. Also to the left was a dinner party. I was excited to join the dinner party and talk with the newly found friends. However My friend and her mother were concerned about a dog in the car at the bottom of the hill, so they had to go take care of it. ( I wanted to stay at the dinner party and was resentful, that we had to leave. Because of my disappointment I got up and left in a hurry. They because they do everything right had to say goodbye to the guests at the dinner party. Later the dream changed over and friends and I were comparing budding flowers, I pointed to mine, which were budding tulips. Whatd oes this mean?

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